Two black holes circle each other in a death spiral.
Spin in to Science on Nov. 19th
News Release • November 16, 2016
On Saturday, Nov. 19th LIGO's Science Education Center in Livingston, LA, will be hosting it's monthly Science Saturday when we are open to the public from 1 PM - 5 PM. LIGO has detected spinning black holes that collide with each other, so we're exploring the science of objects that Spin! Learn about how ice skaters control their speed with the hands, how spinning objects change their look, and how to make spinning nuts "sing!"
LIGO's Science Saturdays are FREE and open to the public, but we request that groups of 15 or more let us know that you intend to come by filling out a tour request form.
Nov. 19th
Science Saturday
Exhibit Hall & Lobby open 1 PM - 5 PM
Tours every 20-30 minutes
Auditorium Presentations on Spin! at 1:45 and 3:15