Hanford Observatory
Livingston Observatory
LIGO Caltech
Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-Wave Observatory
Supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation
Operated by Caltech and MIT
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Masses in the Stellar Graveyard: GW...
November 7, 2021
LIGO Lab • Chart
Graphic of masses of announced gravitational-wave detections and black holes and neutron stars previously constrained through electromagnetic observations.
Gravitational Wave Merger Detection...
November 7, 2021
LIGO Lab • Chart
GW merger detections from O1/O2/O3a/O3b.
Masses in the Stellar Graveyard: GW...
June 29, 2021
LIGO Lab • Chart
Masses in the stellar graveyard: GWTC-2 + NSBHs (GW200105/GW200115)
Heftiest Merger Seen Yet
September 2, 2020
LIGO Lab • Chart
This chart compares the GW190521 event to others witnessed by LIGO and Virgo.
Stellar Graveyard, with GW190521 Hi...
September 2, 2020
LIGO Lab • Chart
A mass chart of objects detected through EM and GW observations, with GW190521 highlighted
Mass Chart of Objects Detected by L...
June 23, 2020
LIGO Lab • Chart
Mass chart of objects detected by LIGO, with GW190814 highlighted.
BH and NS Mass Chart
October 16, 2017
Masses of Neutron Stars and Black Holes
Sky Map of LIGO's Black-Hole Mergers
June 1, 2017
Sky Map of LIGO's Black-Hole Mergers
New Population of Binary Black Holes
June 1, 2017
New Population of Binary Black Holes
Comparison of gravitational-wave si...
June 1, 2017
Reconstructions of the three confident and one candidate gravitational wave signals detected by LIGO to date, including the most recent one.
Black Holes with Known Masses
June 15, 2016
LIGO Lab • Chart
An image showing black holes with known masses.
LIGO's First Observing Run
June 15, 2016
LIGO Lab • Chart
This illustration shows the dates for two confirmed gravitational-wave detections by LIGO; and one candidate detection, which was too weak to unambiguously confirm.
Gravitational Waves, As Einstein Pr...
February 11, 2016
LIGO Lab • Chart
These plots show the signals of gravitational waves detected by the twin LIGO observatories at Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington. The signals came from two merging black holes, each about 30 times the mass of our sun, lying ...
Gravitational-Wave Observatories Ac...
February 11, 2016
LIGO Lab • Chart
This map shows gravitational-wave observatories (both operating and planned) across the globe.
Advanced LIGO's Extended Reach
January 28, 2016
LIGO Lab • Chart
Advanced LIGO's Extended Reach