Artist's illustration of merging neutron stars. Image credit: NSF/LIGO/Sonoma State University/A. Simonnet
Physics World 2017 Breakthrough of the Year Award
News Release • December 11, 2017
Physics World announced that the first multi-messenger detection of a neutron star merger was 2017's breakthrough of the year. On LIGO detected a gravitational wave that was expected to come from a neutron star merger. Around 2 seconds later a Gamma Ray Burst occurred and was detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Together with LIGO, Virgo and Fermi's information astronomers were able to piece together approximately where in the sky the neutron star merger occurred. Telescopes around the world pointed there scopes at the spot and soon identified precisely where the neutron stars had collided. In the coming months more than 70 telescopes observed multiple frequencies of electromagnetic radiation coming from the neutron star merger, yielding a treasure trove of information about the kilonova that occurred when the two neutron stars collided. Over 50 collaborations, including LIGO participated in this venture. For more on this detection check out our news article, or the press release. Last year Physics World awarded LIGO with the 2016 breakthrough of the year, due to the detection it's detection of gravitational waves.
Read this article to find out how Physics World selected the winners of the 2017 Breakthrough of the Year Award.