Undergraduate Internships

The U.S. National Science Foundation Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (NSF LIGO) Laboratory offers two student research/internship programs: Caltech's SURF program, open to students from any university; and MIT's UROP program, for students from MIT and Wellesley College.

Caltech's SURF Program

Each summer, NSF LIGO hosts students as part of Caltech’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program. LIGO SURF students pursue cutting-edge research in gravitational-wave science and engineering (e.g., detection technologies, strong-field gravity, astrophysical sources, and LIGO data science). Students can request to work either at Caltech or at one of the two interferometer sites in Hanford WA or Livingston LA.

Some student project titles from previous years:

  • Thermal Noise in Ultra-Stable Fabry-Perot Cavities
  • Automatic System Identification of the Photodetectors in a Gravitational Wave Detector
  • Testing the Strong Field Dynamics of General Relativity Using Compact Binary Systems
  • Cutting Edge Computing for the Extraction of Astrophysical Parameters from Gravitational Wave Observatories
  • Improving the Detection Rate of Gravitational Waves from Coalescing Binary Black Holes with a Template Bank Consistency Test
  • Modernizing the Interferometer’s Control Loops
  • Investigating Crackle Noise in Metal Blade Springs
  • Rapid Sky Localization of Binary Inspiral Sources
  • Low-Noise Seismic Sensing and Actuation
  • Adaptive Quantum Measurements in Future Gravitational-Wave Detectors

This program is open to undergraduate students from any institution. To apply or to find out more, visit the LIGO SURF website.

MIT's UROP Program*

* Program is available only to MIT and Wellesley College students.

MIT offers a summer research program called UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) for MIT and Wellesley College undergraduate students each year. The LIGO Laboratory group typically mentors 6 to 10 UROP students each summer. Learn more at the UROP website.

Find projects and apply to UROP


Related Opportunities

Other universities may have undergraduate research opportunities involved with LIGO. If you are interested in other potential work or study opportunities, check the list of LSC member institutions to see if your university is a member.