Hanford Observatory
Livingston Observatory
LIGO Caltech
Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-Wave Observatory
Supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation
Operated by Caltech and MIT
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Most Precise Ruler Ever Constructed
February 11, 2016
Science Video
This animation illustrates how the twin observatories of LIGO work. One observatory is in Hanford, Washington, the other in Livingston, Louisiana. Each houses a large-scale interferometer, a device that uses the interference of two beams of laser light...
Warped Space and Time Around Colliding Black Holes
February 11, 2016
Simulation Video
This computer simulation shows the warping of space and time around two colliding black holes observed by LIGO on September 14, 2015. Gravitational waves are ripples in the shape of space and flow of time.
Zooming into an Atom (Annotated)
February 11, 2016
Science Video
This annotated animation zooms in on the proton of a hydrogen atom. The movement of the proton shows the tiny changes measured by LIGO.
Black Hole Waves Simulation
February 11, 2016
Simulation Video
This simulation depicts the birth, 1.3 billion years ago, of the gravitational waves discovered by LIGO on September 14, 2015. The waves are generated by two black holes that spiral around each other, then collide and merge.
The Sound of Two Black Holes Colliding
February 11, 2016
Science Video
Gravitational waves sent out from a pair of colliding black holes have been converted to sound waves, as heard in this animation.
Zooming into an Atom
February 11, 2016
Science Video
This animation zooms in on the proton of a hydrogen atom. The movement of the proton shows the tiny changes measured by LIGO.
Interferometer Response to a Gravitational Wave
November 18, 2015
Education Video
Clip from "Einstein's Messengers" illustrating how LIGO's interferometers will respond to a gravitational wave.
Neutron Star Merger
November 4, 2015
Education Video
Animation of binary neutron star merger
Direct Detection of Gravitational Waves: What Will It Mean?
October 1, 2015
Education Video
Part 3 of Gravitational Waves Q&A with Caltech's Kip Thorne, Rana Adhikari, and Sarah Gossan explaining what the direct detection of gravitational waves will mean.
What Are the Sources of Gravitational Waves?
October 1, 2015
Education Video
Part 2 of Gravitational Waves Q&A with Caltech's Kip Thorne, Rana Adhikari, and Sarah Gossan. Sarah Gossan explains what types of sources cause gravitational waves.
What are Gravitational Waves?
October 1, 2015
Education Video
Part 1 of Gravitational Waves Q&A with Caltech's Kip Thorne, Rana Adhikari, and Sarah Gossan. Kip Thorne explains what gravitational waves are.
Gravitational Waves
July 10, 2015
Education Video
An animation of artist's concept of gravitational wave propagation.
LIGO: On the Front Lines of Space-Time
February 27, 2015
Education Video
LIGO Laboratory is poised to open an entirely new window on the universe by detecting gravitational waves from colliding black holes and neutron stars with its newly updated instrumentation. The name LIGO stands for Laser Interferometer Gravitational O...
What are Neutron Stars?
January 4, 2015
Science Video
A video explaining the lifespan of a star: how it is born, how it lives its life and becomes a neutron star or a black hole.
Two Black Holes Merging (view from the side)
November 4, 2014
Education Video
A visualization of the last few orbits of a binary black hole merger. The camera is roughly in the orbital plane of the merger.
Two Black Holes Merging (view from above)
November 4, 2014
Education Video
A visualization of the last few orbits of a binary black hole merger. The camera is above the orbital plane of the merger, looking down.
Gravitational Wave Astronomy -- Opening a New Window on ...
July 23, 2014
Education Video
Martin Hendry describes how Einstein's theory of gravity shapes our modern world, and how lasers, at the heart of the most sensitive scientific instruments ever built, are opening a whole new way of studying the cosmos.
What is Space-Time?
February 5, 2013
Science Video
In this video of PBS's Closer To Truth, Caltech Professor Kip Thorne talks about the concept of space-time.
Einstein's Messengers
March 1, 2005
Education Video
Einstein's Messengers is an award-winning documentary on LIGO, NSF's Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory. The video examines how LIGO is spearheading the new field of gravitational wave astronomy and opening a whole new window on the un...
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