Satellite view of LHO showing location of LExC and LExC parking. Credit: Google Maps
Driving Directions
Google Maps recognizes "LIGO Hanford Observatory" as a search term.
Taking Hwy 240 from Richland or Vantage
Taking Stevens Drive from Richland Follow Stevens Dr. past the generating station. Just before reaching the Wye Barricade gate to the Department of Energy Hanford site, turn left to follow the sign for "Rte 10/To 240" onto the short spur road. Turn left again at the stop sign. LIGO is about one mile down the road on the right. If you end up at the Wye Barricade, the guard at the gate will point you in the right direction. |
GPS Coordinates 46° 27' 17.2836" N 119° 24' 26.6256" W |
Latitude / Longitude 46.454801, -119.407396 |
The links below provide Google Maps that connect LIGO Hanford to various regional locations. If you need additional information about our location, call 509-372-8106 or email [email protected].