
The U.S. National Science Foundation Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (NSF LIGO) Laboratory is the largest member of the NSF LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC). The LIGO Laboratory plays a special role in the Collaboration, and members of the LSC play special roles in the LIGO Laboratory. For example, the LSC Spokesperson is a member of the LIGO Laboratory Directorate, and the Directorate is responsible for the Collaboration's scientific direction. The LIGO Lab participates fully in the life of the Collaboration, holding (by election or by appointment) a number positions of leadership of Collaboration entities, and the Lab follows Collaboration rules for publications, presentations, and in sharing LIGO data with the greater scientific community. In turn, the Collaboration contributes significantly in the Lab’s mission of developing gravitational-wave detectors, running the Observatories, and generally furthering the field.

See the LSC website for further information on the LSC and how to join the Collaboration.