Utilizing the following Science Practices:
1) Asking questions and defining problems
2) Developing and using models
3) Planning and carrying out investigations
4) Analyzing and interpreting data
5) Using mathematics and computational thinking
6) Constructing explanantions and designing solutions
7) Engaging in argument from evidence
8) Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information.
Teachers conducted the following activities:
This project was used as an introduction to the modeling practice, identifying the components of a model.
Draw initial models of Water Cycle in a Bag, determine what the next experiment will be (different groups choose different investigations, depending on the evidence they need for their models).
Hand Battery, The hand battery uses hands and two plates to create a simple battery. This was modeled using NGSS practices (in support of Louisiana Science Standards).
Illustrates three important ideas in earth system science: energy flows, matter cycles, life webs.
An activity using photosythesis in order to achieve floatation.
Face-to-Face Tools for Ambitious Science Teaching
From the University of Washington, these tools help teachers organize their students’ thinking about the modeling practice.
Models and Modeling an Introduction (article from University of Washington)
This article focuses on using models and modeling in the classroom. It includes the Five Criteria for good classroom models!