
Teachers in a past teacher workshop

Upcoming Teacher Workshops

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></scrLIGO Science Education Center partners with other institutions to offer teacher workshops, as well as offering some "stand-alone" style workshops.  If you're an administrator interested in enlisting LIGO staff to conduct a workshop at your school, fill out this form and request a workshop customized to your school or district.

Calling all middle and high school science teachers!

Fuel your expertise this summer by joining our teacher workshops. This summer we will have three teacher workshops with our partners:  LA-STEM, Southern University's Project MISE (Modeling Inquiry Science Education) and GNO-STEM.

Participation in any of these 3 workshops grants the teacher

  • Priority scheduling for LIGO field trips in the 2025-2026 academic year
  • Financial reimbursement for LIGO field trips (up to $700) in the 2025-2026 academic year
  • A stipend for attending the workshop
  • Materials to do the hands-on activities

Dates & Times to be determined early 2025!

If you want to receive an email regarding upcoming teacher workshops, then subscribe to our email list by emailing a blank message to:

[email protected]