Science Education Center
Science Saturdays
On the first Saturday of every month from 10 AM - 4 PM, visitors are welcome to experience the LIGO Science Education Center's Science Saturdays. These events are FREE, and you can just drop in anytime between 10 and 4 pm. We offer tours and approximately 50 interactive science exhibits. We welcome individuals and small groups. If you would like a tour, please arrive prior to 2:30 PM. Tours take place every 30-45 minutes, and tours typically go to to LIGO's control room and to see the arms (weather permitting).
Note: We do NOT take advance tour reservations, except for groups of 15 or greater. If you have a group of 15 or more, reserve a tour here.
For directions to LIGO click here.
Additional information about tours.
- You should plan on about an hour and a half for your visit. Guests should dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes.
- Photographs are welcome. However, we kindly request that you do not record/video staff members without their permission.
- LIGO's Science Saturday is suitable for all ages.
- LIGO’s facilities are wheelchair accessible, though you will encounter a slope during the site tour itself.
- Science Saturdays require NO advance registration, or identification. They are the one day a month LIGO is open to the public.
- Each Science Saturday has a theme that the lobby exhibits reflect. These themes are tied into the science and engineering around LIGO.
During your visit you will have a chance to explore many interactive exhibits housed in LIGO's Science Education Center (LIGO SEC). You will also be able to take a tour that discusses artifacts from the detector, and (weather permitting) takes you to LIGO's control room, and to an overview of the interferometer's 4km-long arms reaching into the loblolly pine forest. Questions are particularly welcome on the tour.
Upcoming Science Saturdays
10 AM - 4 PM (last tour starts at 2:30 PM)
April 5th, Spring into Science
May 3rd, Innovative Science