Post Field Trip Resources

The activities listed below offer opportunities for teachers to expand the learning that occurred on the recent field trip to LIGO.

Black Hole Hunter

A LIGO game! Similar to the "Noisy Data" activity above but done with sound instead of graphs.

American Museum of Natural History Gravitational Wave Web Site

Provides a very nice 7-minute video and other LIGO resources, such as a virtual interferometer. You'll find good information on a variety of issues related to gravitational waves

World-Wide Telescope

A tremendous free astronomy tool. WWT software must be installed the local computer.

LIGO I2U2 Electronic Laboratory

Analyze data directly from LIGO's seismometers using a handy Web interface! Students can make a research project using LIGO seismometer data.

Return to the main Field Trip page

For questions or additional information about field trips, call LIGO's outreach personnel at 509-372-8248 or send an email to [email protected].